
If you want to get HD resolution, make sure to full-screen all the above screenshots
Prodeus, the classic first-person shooterfrom old is reimagined with modern rendering techniques. The game achieves the AAA quality while still maintaining some technical limitations of older hardware.
Focus on the most striking visual effects.
Amazing dismemberment method
There is no end tothe blood!
Gameplay: Fast pace action
Hellish destruction
A dynamic soundtrack
Combat scenarios that are visceral and compelling
Heavy-duty weaponry
There are many secrets you can discover
Replayability:Continuous support
User generated content
Simple to use, level editor
Jason Mojica and Michael Voeller of Bounding Box Software are developing Team:Prodeus. They have combined experience in FPS development for 25 yearsand are skilled freelance artists and designers.
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Ink the Splatlands for the next Splatoon (tm) game

The Splatlands is a deserted, sun-drenched area inhabited by battle-hardened Octolings and Inklings. Splatsville is the heartbeat of this desert wilderness.

Turf War* is a powerful force in these harsh conditions. Battles continue in new arenas in the wilds.

These fighters can dodge enemies and cover greater ground with dynamic new moves. They also have a bow-shaped weapon that allows them to fire ink. Keep checking back for additional information as Splatoon 3 is set to launch for Nintendo Switch(tm), in 2022.

Get ink on it with the latest entry from Splatoon.
The Splatlands is a brand new region that's sun-soaked and has trendsetting residents
Try new Inklings or Octolings styles.
The 4v4 Turf Wars* have returned with new stages and maneuvers as well as new weapons
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You're about to discover a whole new world, visit new places, find new monsters and learn all new gameplay.
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Batora: Lost Haven combina os recursos de um hack & slash e de tiro com dois manipulos em um RPG interplanetario de acao nao linear baseado em narrativa.

Quais limites voce cruzaria para salvar a sua casa?

Avril costumava ser uma garota normal de 16 anos, nao exatamente o que se poderia chamar de uma heroina nata.
Ate que um evento misterioso devastou a Terra, e ela perdeu tudo que mais amava.
Agora ela e a unica que, com os poderes fisicos e psiquicos que recebeu, pode tentar salvar o seu planeta!
E assim que a sua jornada cosmica comeca: Avril logo descobrira que a linha entre o bem e o mal e tenue. Cabe a ela decidir em quem acreditar: suas escolhas mudarao o destino do universo.

DUALISMO FISICO/PSIQUICO - Encontre o equilibrio perfeito entre corpo e mente para enfrentar os desafios e enigmas com que voce ira se deparar ao longo da jornada, mas fique de olho na barra dupla de saude: ela exibe tanto a sua saude fisica quanto a psiquica e, se voce perder alguma delas de vista... voce esta morto!
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Explore the hidden secrets and long-forgotten paths of this fantasy high world. It features thrilling battle encounters and interconnected maps that allow you to discover new places. The immersive story is all about making every decision. You play as Hilda, a young Northwind Legion warrior who sets out to rescue her father. You will find a new take on action RPGs with gameplay elements that are inspired by Soulslike games and a more dynamic combat system. This creates a modern, balanced experience for exploration as well as difficulty.
Discover the amazing city of Aphes, inspired by classic Greek design and discover the curse behind it.
You can combine and switch between weapons while on-the-go. You can equip two types of weapons at the same time and be unpredictable when fighting.
You will encounter more than 60 enemies, 22 bosses and complete side quests.
You decide the fate for Aphes. Each decision made in Asterigos will have an impact on the story.
There are over 100 collectables to be found, as well as numerous side quests. You can also forge your own destiny with the NewGame+ mode.
Aphes is a city-state filled with magic and wonder, inspired by classical Greek and ancient Rome designs. The landscapes surrounding Aphes include misty streets and dark sewers as well as enigmatic forests on the outskirts that are home to glittering crystals.
You can choose from various melee and ranged weapons and mix them however you like. You can choose from six different weapon types: sword, shield, dual blades spear, dual bladesand spear or a staff. You can either equip a magic staff to eliminate your enemies from a distance, or switch to an enormous battle hammer for close combat.
Aphes may be a distraction with its stunning views but this city isn't for the weak of heart. You will encounter 60 monsters, 22 bosses, and each one has its own battle system.
Each choice you make is important. You will discover the true meaning of Aphes' curse through your journey. This includes conversations with discovered documents, cinematics and Hilda’s diary which she’ll keep updated with observations as well as sketches.
Asterigos' world is filled with secrets and stories. You can find over 100 collectibles, do side quests, and continue your legacy with the New Game+ mode.
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It is vast and beautiful. But it can also be dangerous if you are reduced to the size an ant. This survival adventure is first-person, multiplayer. You will need to thrive with the giant insect hordes, as they battle for survival in the backyard.
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We will begin in Verona (Italy), where we'll be starting our story. It's a town that loves...and giant, mutant flowers.
Imogen, the head ofthe Stratford-Upon-Avon High Drama Society is not your average girl. She goes to school each day, produces plays in the community and is a wonderful girl. She can use her magical powers to teleport into alternate dimensions, defeat the Nightmare forces and come back in time for dinner.
This comedy JRPG will take Imogen, Paulina and Viola along with Miranda, Miranda, Miranda, Miranda, Beatrice and Kate on an incredible adventure throughout the Shakespearean metaverse.
* Unique, turn-based combat!
• Hang out with friends
* Play!
Do you find Shakespearean dialogue difficult to understand? Our unique Ye Olde English-to-New English translator will solve your problem! 110% accurate!
* Multi-character unite abilities!
* Teach you as you learn
* Adopt a pet
You don't have to waste time pacing!
• Fun for all ages
Our belief is that the world requires more turn-based JRPGs that are bite-sized and can be enjoyed over a weekend, or for a couple of play sessions whenever you need a break from epics. It's all-killer, with no filler. This Way Madness Lies is a game that can be played in a single session. It takes around 5-10 hoursdepending on the difficulty and play style. We hope you enjoy each minute of it!
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Only the great tower, "The Ziggurat", remained after the Babylonians died. A new empire is now attempting to plunder its ruin and find its legendary treasures. You can join forces with the Sentinels to help other subjects, who were unwillingly implanted within the Gideon Coffin, which relics grant unrivalled powers.

You can choose your preferred play style from a variety of weapon types, each one with different skills and capabilities. You can customize your loadout and have up to four weapons available at once.
Discover a fantasy world that is rich in inspirations from the medieval oil paintings.

You can reach great heights as you scale the towering Tower of Babel to uncover its legendary treasures. You can unlock your full potential only by learning the skills of your Gideon Coffin.
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Infernax, an adventure platformer with puzzle components, uses a new leveling system. This is a completely new style, and because nobody else has done it before, we will call it ARPG. Patent pending.
We tried to capture what it was like to play the same games as our children, to find the inspiration that inspired us to create our own games.
It is a recreation from the experience that we had as children playing obscure NES video games. This game left us feeling proud when it was finally completed, many months later.
Infernax, set in the first years of the Crusadesis about the adventures of a great crusader returning to his homeland to discover it cursed by unholy magic.
You will encounter ruthless creatures and dangerous beasts on your journey to destroy this resource.
Explore a dangerously open and unexplored world
There are many secret places to discover
Challenge dungeons, boss battles
You can level up your experience by using the Level Up system
Multi-endings are based on the player's choices.
We've got a gallon of bloody bits to offer you a chance at a Berzerk-style game.
It's going to get raunchy, so buckle up!
There were so many secretsthat there was no way to keep them all, we needed to create a Game Wizard.
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When the horns sound, ravens flock. Civil war tears apart an empire. New kingdoms emerge beyond its borders. Don your armor, grab your sword and mount your horse to conquer the Calradia battlefields. Your hegemony will be established and a new world created from the remains of the past.
Mount & Blade II, Bannerlord is the long-awaited sequel of the acclaimed medieval combat simulation and role-playing video game Mount & Blade Warband. It expands the fighting system of Calradia and its world 200 years ago. You can bombard mountains with siege engines or create secret criminal empires behind the doors of cities. Or, you may charge into chaotic battles to gain power.
You will need to position, fire and construct a variety of heavy machinery for sieges. This game will challenge your skills and knowledge like no other. As you fight for your castle, or attempt to take it from the enemy, experience epic and sprawling battle across rubble and ramparts.
Historically authentic defensive structures provide the best medieval warfare experience. You can smash a enemy's gate with your baton and blow up his fortress tower. Mount & Blade II Bannerlord allows you to see every second of a chaotic battle from the perspective of one soldier.
Diplomacy can have significant consequences for the entire world. You can strike historic peace agreements that will win your kingdom land or allow you to face a new enemy. A new barter system allows players to make deals that range from marriage proposals to treason agreements. It also gives NPCs all of the options they have. You can use a new influence systemor to thwart the ambitions of your rivals.
You can see how the supply of goods fluctuates in a simulation feudal economy where everything, from incense and warhorses, changes with demand and supply. You can invest in workshops and farms, or you could turn anarchy into your advantage by being first to deliver grain to starving towns after a siege.
You can create your weaponand name it, then take it to battle. Each weapon that you make is unique thanks to a physics-based design system. You can create a powerful killing machine that matches your prowess, complements your play style or you could take the sword from your opponent and use it to your advantage as a medal of war.
Mount & Blade II - Bannerlord's engine and tools are now available for modders to reinterpret Calradia, or even create new worlds. You can combine mods to create the game that you like.
A brand new, custom-made engine for game engines, created in-house to meet the specific needs of this series. It offers the ideal balance between performance and visual fidelity. Scalable with your hardware's power.
Mount & Blade now has richer and more stunning graphics. It will immerse you in Calradia's world, rendering its magnificent battles in breathtaking detail.
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