A spooky tale of the dream of a dream that is mysterious …
It is a tale of one of the experiences Sophie her Alchemist had after she left her hometown of Kirchen Bell. The story concerns Sophie and her search for Plachta after they were separated. It also includes the new friends that they form in Erde Wiege.
Main features:
The Evolution of Seamless Turn-Based Battles
Multi-link battles are a new feature in this game. Six players will be divided in two groups. Combat will begin seamlessly as players meet adversaries and move around. The variety of combat actions and specific effects improve the combat game experience. For instance, Dual Trigger special skills which enable two players to attack in unison.
There are two forms of panel-based synthesis.
This game offers a user-friendly puzzle-style synthesis technique that lets you add ingredients to a board in order to produce new things. You can use the Standard Panel or Restricted Panel to enhance the difficulty and your rewards.
You can alter the weather to make new paths
The majority of the regions of Erde Wiege has fixed weather and climate, you are able to modify this weather with the help of special tools. You can change the weather so that you can alter the terrain of the area , and gain access to previously inaccessible regions. Maybe the weather can affect your materials you gather.