Beyond the world’s petty conflicts, there is a realm filled with pure evil known as The Realm of Chaos. It is a terrible area, unfathomable to the mortal mind. It offers promises of power, but to behold it , you will be enthralled by it. It is to surrender your soul to it. It is possible to become it.

There are four Ruinous Powers control the area, constantly seeking to break free of their bonds to engulf the world in a tide of daemonic corruption. Slaanesh is the god of the excesses of others; Nurgle, the plague God; Tzeentch is the changer of ways. Khorne the god of blood, and death.

At the border of the worlds, two mighty kingdoms stand sentinel: the stern warriors of Kislev and the huge empire of Grand Cathay. Each has their own set of challenges. both must pass through the line to unleash their troops into Chaos Realm.

The entire planet is at the edge of extinction. One push can plunge the world into the cataclysm.

And there is one that plans to achieve that, an ancient figure who would do anything to hold supreme power. He will require the help of a person to be successful.

The coming conflict will engulf everyone. Will you conquer your daemons? or command them.

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